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About Us

About Southern Motorsport Hobbies

We are located right in the heart of racing country, just north of Hickory, North Carolina in Lenoir. We have been involved in the racing community for many,many years.

Ronnie Setzer has served in many capacities ,including driving, crew chiefing, and in latter years, a car owner. As time has a way of redefining what is important in all our lives, it also has in owner Ronnie Setzers life also. While the trophies are still evident at Southern Motorsport Hobbies, of past racing success, a devotion to family, church and community has taken over in Ronnies life. He is totally devoted to his business and customers, along with his wife of many years and 2 children. He also serves as Mayor in his hometown of Cajah's Mountain NC., along with being on the Western Piedmont Council of Governments Policy Board, and Caldwell County Sales Tax re-investment commitee

"As proud as we are of our devotion to the motorsport community and our involvement there in the past, along with our involvment in family, church and community we are also proud of the product and service we offer our customers.We strive to offer you the largest array of models, diecast, resin, and decals that you will be able to come across anywhere. After you take a look at our catalog, you will notice that we offer not only the latest releases but many,many hard to find items.We are constantly buying collections of both models and diecast to offer you,our customer.Not only are we certain that you have just came across the largest selection of the product you're looking for, but we guarantee the best service you will receive from any retailer. We update our catalog daily to insure that it is current, and although we receive all new products as quick or quicker than anyone, we will not place anything in our catalog unless we have it in stock.Thank you for your visit to www.smhracing.com. We're certain that you will enjoy your visit and hope you give us the chance to serve you, and that you will visit our site often. ."